Wednesday, June 21, 2017


Igor Akrapovic started this company by identifying a need in the market, and created a premium product for motorcycle enthusiasts. He was a racer himself, and enjoyed tweaking exhaust systems to increase power output and enhance sound while reducing weight. Since the company’s inception in 1991, it has received many prestigious awards, and began producing exhaust solutions for vehicles as well. Vehicle exhaust accounts for about 30% of revenue, which Igor hopes to increase to 50%.

One factor I was shocked to hear from him was the company’s growth rates, even through economic recession. Akrapovic CAGR is 15% (and even saw 4% growth in 2008), and generates approximately $80M annually. There is a demand for exotic exhausts, and consumers are willing to pay a premium for a superior product. His team of design, quality and sound engineers, along with welders and mechanics are very dedicated and driven to remain at the forefront of this market. The tour of this facility was truly amazing and memorable. 

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