Sunday, September 14, 2014

International Business Class Comes to a Close....

Alas, yesterday was our final official gathering as an International Business Class.  Presentations completed, Country Scorecards analyzed and industries micro-economically evaluated... what is left to do now but reflect back on our trip and all that has happened.  Going to Peru was my first trip requiring a passport... EVER. And although, as we heard repeatedly last evening, there were issues with infrastructure, poverty, hygiene and early closings of the hotel pool, I am grateful for the opportunity to have traveled with such a great bunch of peers, professors, tour guides and family members.

I can't help but post a few more "family photos."  After all, we had them taken enough times....

The image I never knew I would get in Peru! But I suppose I should have known....

and finally, the image we all spoke about but never thought we would get to see... The Oracle.

We are 8 short months from graduation.... See you soon!

Friday, September 5, 2014

My first experience with a bidet...

Given the fragile nature of the crumbling infrastructure, we were discouraged from flushing toilet paper.  So where did the paper go you ask?  In a trash can next to the toilet.  Yuck!   How do you reduce the amount of stress on the infrastructure and still be hygienic?  Enter the bidet!

So I'm embarrassed to say that I've never used one.  The first night I couldn't figure it out.  Was it a urinal? Was it a second toilet? How do you use this new fangled contraption?  So after a couple of beers and some very informative You Tube videos, I summoned the courage to try it out.  

Needless to say I was hooked.  Having a tool to take care of your "undercarriage" and save the planet at the same time, how could you go wrong.  Twice I almost missed the bus.  I can hear Bara and Julio now...