Sunday, September 14, 2014

International Business Class Comes to a Close....

Alas, yesterday was our final official gathering as an International Business Class.  Presentations completed, Country Scorecards analyzed and industries micro-economically evaluated... what is left to do now but reflect back on our trip and all that has happened.  Going to Peru was my first trip requiring a passport... EVER. And although, as we heard repeatedly last evening, there were issues with infrastructure, poverty, hygiene and early closings of the hotel pool, I am grateful for the opportunity to have traveled with such a great bunch of peers, professors, tour guides and family members.

I can't help but post a few more "family photos."  After all, we had them taken enough times....

The image I never knew I would get in Peru! But I suppose I should have known....

and finally, the image we all spoke about but never thought we would get to see... The Oracle.

We are 8 short months from graduation.... See you soon!

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